Are you ready for lift off? 🚀

let's put your birth chart to work for you!

our charts hold the key to moving forward

I help passionate clients like you, understand your planetary potentials, so that you know when and how to take action to create the life that you want. I tell you what you don’t yet know, but need to know to save you time, effort, love and money.

If you’re curious about having greater clarity, get in touch below

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7517 Comstock Ln, Darien, IL, 60561

(630) 663-1232, (865) 767-2927

Do you often go round & round in circles?

if you could get to the bottom of this, your life would transform, right?

If this brings up some discomfort, you’re actually in the right place. No, I’m not here to make you feel bad. ‘Feeling good’ is what I’m all about, and sometimes the quickest way to feel good, is to let go of what’s not feeling right.

I help clients like you, learn how to get their charts working for them. I can see deep into your astrological patterns and see what is not currently working.  I then make channelled suggestions as to what will turn this around quickly and gracefully. Sharing with you the best next steps to take, to create the life you want.

Are you my dream client? 🌙

you might be if...

You are the kind of soul who thrives on curiosity and are willing to ask great questions to get things truly moving. You are funny, quirky and see life differently to your peers. You are open, unafraid and ready to receive a clear story of who you are. To be reconnected to what is good and true for you. You want to free of pain, ready and fresh to make a new choice. You are collaborative even if you often sit on the outside of things.  If this is you, then we might just be a celestial match made in the stars

I help passionate clients like you, know when and how to take action to create the life that you want. I'll help you see 'what happens next'

Let's get your birthchart to work for you

Are you ready for a big lift?

I help passionate clients like you, understand your planetary potentials, so that you know when and how to take action to create the life that you want. I tell you what you don’t yet know, but need to know to save you time, effort, love and money. And humans want to know ‘what happens next’

If you’re curious about having greater clarity, so you can generate more of your dreams, and amplify

clarify, generate, amplify

To help you feel greater freedom in life, feel more at home where you are, and to know the best next steps to take



Your Coaching should reflect your life & values

That’s why a tailored, personal approach leads to such great results and keeps you 100% empowered in your own future….

Find an astrologer who uses asteroids to personalise your readings even more

Find a coach who you can reach and speak to

Find a coach who is trained in many disciplines

Find a coach with happy customers

Find an astrologer who uses asteroids to personalise your readings even more

Find an astrologer who posts your readings to an accessible place in an easy to download format

FInd an astrologer who is happy to get to know you

Did you know? When you’re facing a big life changing decision, THERE ARE ALWAYS astrological happenings,  that are affecting your birthchart. 

I can help you ‘time’ when to make these changes, so that the change is as smooth as possible.  Astrology is your  blueprint to life.

Did you know… Astrology can be used to plan and steer your life on a month by month basis?

Understanding the planetary cycles each month,  can give you a big clue about what’s to come. It gives you a lead time and a chance to purposefully plan your life ‘in tune with the moon’. This gives you the edge, and can be hugely reassuring during times of transition.

But don’t just take my word for it. Here’s what 3 membership clients are saying about my personal monthly updates!

Did you know… you can use astrology to learn why you go round in circles… you can use astrology to learn why you go round in circles, why you might not get the results you want, and learn what’s preventing you from resolving difficulties.

You can then take the practical ‘right steps’ at the ‘right time’. When you work with me, I can guide you through this (with humour and compassion).

You can design your life, and use your design as a map. 

As featured in